Sunday, October 10, 2004

My stories

Sometimes I look back over my life and think about everything that's happened, which always makes me smile :) Let me share you some stories:

  1. I was deeply in love with my bestfriends' boyfriends. Okay, there were two of them, and the boyfriends were my bestfriends too. It was a long time ago and nothing really happened, though, 'coz I knew that I would be in trouble!
  2. As I think about it, I've always had this thing for my bestfriends (i mean the guys!). Don't get me wrong! I'm not that kind of girl who likes to steal my bestfriends' boyfriends!! I've always kept my mouth shut about it.
  3. I found out that my boyfriend from high school had an affair with my junior and I ended up yelling at her almost everyday in high school.
  4. There was this guy from junior high that I really liked. We met again a couple of years later through one of my friends from college and we kinda hit it off. We kissed and I felt no sparks. I said to myself, "forget it!" And I've regretted it, ever since. Sparks or no sparks, they're not important. Are they?
  5. This one was embarrasing, but I met this guy on the Net and we become such good friends. I guess his girlfriend snooped to his computer and found my pictures and she actually yelled at me in a chat room!! After almost 5 years, me and the guy are still good friends, but we've never met, even once! It's just funny because we're in this circle of friends that we both know....but we've never met.
  6. I was chatting with a guy on MSN, when suddenly her ex-girlfriend signed-in by using his screen name and started asking me questions about my relationship with her ex-boyfriend, wtf?
  7. I had never been in love until I met my last boyfriend. I can't stand him, but I love him to death. Sometimes I still wish that we can go back together.

Okay, enough said, before I start humiliating myself here. Would you like to tell me your stories now?

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