Monday, October 11, 2004

My life colors

I took this test from a book called, "Life Colors," by Pamala Oslie. The two colors that turn out really strong in my aura are sensitive tan and blue. It's funny because I've always love blue since I was little. Everything that my parents got me from glue to my clothes are bluish in color, because they know that blue's my favorite color. But, sensitive tan? I don't understand it at first. I don't even know what sensitive tan looks like. But when I actually read the book, it does make sense. Sensitive tan is the mental life color and blue is the emotional color. Both are said to be related, but in the opposite ways, because "Sensitive tans are the bridge between the mental colors and the emotional colors. Their personalities are a subtle combination of the mental Tan qualities and the emotional Blue qualities."

Facts about Sensitive Tans:

  • Sensitive tans are emotional and intuitive, but they tend to keep their feelings to themselves. True. One time when I was still in college back home, I was so upset and told my feelings to my friend and I actually cried in front of him. One time only! And he still makes fun about it :P
  • Sensitive tans are sincere and patient listeners.
  • Sensitive tans value love, commitment, dedication, patient understanding, and good communication in their relationships and they want the same consideration from their mates. True. I guess that's why sometimes I ask too much.
  • Prefer practical, reliable, and devoted mates who will commit to a long-term relationship.
  • One of the most appealing occupations that fit me is public relations. wonder I've always enjoyed organizing events.

Facts about Blues:

  • The most loving, nurturing, and supportive personalities of the Life Colors.
  • The most emotional personalities. They can cry at the drop of a hat - when they are happy, hurt, angry, sad, or for no apparent reason. True. I cry when I listen to sad and mellow song lyrics.
  • When blues are in power, people trust them.
  • More than anything in the world, Blues want to be in loving, committed, and emotionally connected relationship.
  • Happy when they are in a good relationship, but most unfulfilled and depressed when they are alone or are in bad relationships. Hmm..whatever.
  • Blues can give themselves away or change themselves just to be loved. Not good, but true.
  • Blues have a difficult time letting go, because to let go means to stop loving. Absolutely true!
  • Occupation that is most appealing is assistant or director at nonprofit organizations or psychologist. I worked at a nonprofit organization before and I always thought that I could be a good psychologist :P

I guess my Blue side is stronger than my Sensitive Tan's lately. My life is a bit complicated right now, and I really need to start sorting things out.

I've learned a lot about me from this book. I thought I knew myself well before I read this book. Well..I guess I was wrong.