Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm Back

Dear Friends,

I'm back! After a very long hiatus. But guess what? I found my new favorite book, which I'm going to keep and read everyday, all my life. This book is very different than any other books, just like each person has a different path in life. At first I thought I would never find a book this good, but that's because I chose not to look for one. But then I said, "hey, why don't I give it a try?" And when I did, I fell in love right away with the story, just like a dream came true, though it's not a fairy tale. I've tasted happiness, sadness, and love from the book, just like the life in this world. Nothing's perfect of course and I won't mind that. The exciting part is, this book does not have ending, because He and I are going to continue create the story. Good night and don't forget to share your sweet dreams tomorrow ;)

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